Be Loud

A preface for a more frequent, less subdued, and louder voice - online and off.

Be Loud
Photo by Joseph R / Unsplash

Let's be quick. I'm busy A.F. But in a super fun and exciting way. I've been on a long overdue therapeutic journey recently, and I'm coming to realizations—realizations that I want to lean into with my whole rabid logic.

I hate(d) sharing online. I hate(d) when others share.

It feels like noise; there's too much to pay attention to, and I shut it out to avoid the overwhelming pressure to keep up. This is also fueled by my ADHD and addictive personality, amongst other things. More on that later.

I'm an artist, first and foremost. I love to create. Art, regardless of its form, is meant to be shared. But sharing requires a vulnerability I've never embraced. Why wouldn't others dislike and devalue mine if I can ignore and be so easily annoyed by others' output?

Art is meant to be shared but not universally liked or appreciated. I've tried to course-correct in the past. I reminded myself that just because I don't like something doesn't mean it's not "good." The things I like are not objectively better than anything else. That what brings you joy should be celebrated by you and for you and doesn't need my voice of dissent.

I love creating, but I don't love sharing because the internet is built in a way that quantifies what people think of everything. What I've tried - is doing it anyway.

So, until a new revelation tells me to do otherwise, I'm going to:

  • care less about what others think
  • start making my presence bigger
  • be more positive
  • be more vulnerable
  • be louder

And just like I've done to many people, brands, services, and platforms - you can opt out, unsubscribe, and unfollow. There are no hard feelings. Perhaps the real problem is that we've all tried too hard for too long to keep up with too much.

But for those who enjoy it, stick around. I'm glad you're here, and I hope you get to know the new'ish me.