Dissolution or Delusion

History has shown that this may be a mutually desired path. If achievable through diplomacy, perhaps this is the way.
Dissolution in politics is when a state, institution, nation, or administrative region dissolves or ceases to exist, usually separating into two or more entities, or being annexed. This can be carried out through armed conflict, legal means, diplomacy, or a combination of all or any of the three. [Wikipedia]
I gave up on being the change I wanted to see in the world long ago. I have diversified spaces and brought people along with me. I've expanded my perspective and remained open-minded throughout the journey. However, in 2016, I witnessed those diverse spaces begin to vanish. People were forcibly removed from the spaces I frequented. In 2020, it happened again. Relationships were severed, and opportunities diminished; politics overshadowed principles. And now, here we are again.
I woke up yesterday feeling pretty drained. I knew what was coming, and watching others finally come to that realization was difficult. I felt the pull of hibernation all day. Just get under the sheets and rest, I thought. You'll need your energy. I had hoped I was wrong.
Unfortunately, I still feel drained, almost in a dissociative state. I want to leave, but I'm not sure I can or where I would go. In the meantime, I will stand firm and defend those I love with everything I have. I've all but given up on Country, but I will ride for my State as long as it rides for me.