You Only Need One
I've tried, with varying success, to reframe the idea of YOLO (you only live once) to not justify every whim but to drive oneself to work towards lofty dreams.
I've tried, with varying success, to reframe the idea of YOLO (you only live once) to not justify every whim but to drive oneself to work towards lofty dreams.
Or maybe I'm sensitive to the subject of excess. Even on LinkedIn, you can find yourself doomscrolling. But wait, what about joyscrolling? Or is that access to excess just as dangerous? The best books have endings.
This thought was originally posted on December 17, 2021. Today, I found myself trying to challenge the sentiment. I thought maybe this was the kind of thing that stoics get knocked for. Suck it up and suffer in silence. No. That's not it. I used to say "