Unexpected Deposits
If necessity is the mother of invention, conflict is its father. – Kenneth Kaye

I saw a guy putting his dog poop bag in a neighbor's trash can. When others have done the same to my trash, the garbage collectors leave the poop bag in the can for the homeowner to deal with. I've since moved my can to decrease the likelihood of receiving these unexpected deposits.
That day though, I went outside, with blood rushing to my chest and arms, and told the guy, "Hey, you know when you do that, the garbage men leave the poop in the can, right?"
He replied, "Oh really, I didn't know that.", before going back to the trash can and pulling out the poop bag."
I turned and went back inside, my heart pounding. Later that day, I proudly told Kelley how I dared to engage in conflict! I mean, I never do that. She was unimpressed.
I continued, "I'm just glad he responded the way he did."
That's when she realized why, in 19 years of marriage, she's never seen me "mad."
"Well, what would have happened if he didn't acknowledge the mistake and take the bag out?"
"There would have been a fucking problem."
"I think you need to unpack that."