Winter Is Coming
I Am Antoine's Rabid { Logic }

Established in 2008, was a playground where I would share my unfiltered hot takes on music, technology, and culture. Like most of my online properties, I let it expire. At my core, I believe very little should live forever. Especially online.
Alas, I find myself hungry for a creative outlet. So is back with the same contrary tone and ADHD-fueled randomness of thought. I'll try to recover some original writings to repost, but I'll focus on writing fast and dirty for now. About whatever is on my mind, from short stories, poetry, social commentary, pocket philosophy, and perhaps some personal retrospectives.
I make no promises. I'll likely offend. I'll get a stern talking to by friends and family. I'll ignore wellness checks. But I'll be excited to exist online again. Until, of course, I inevitably burn it all down again.
I'm unsure how this works, but you can subscribe. Bear with me; I spun it up fast and haven't kicked the tires.
Shout out to Bryan for seeing art in my chaos, Stan for pushing me not to limp in, Jeffrey for modeling vulnerability online, and Kelley for always "Loving it if I like it."